
Halloween – it's all about pumpkins, jack-o-lanterns, ghosts and bats. But do children from different cultures understand why Halloween is celebrated? Our book explains the origins of Halloween traditions so that all children – little and big – can understand. It also talks about traditional Czech holidays, like All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day. The publication fosters a better understanding of old and new Czech traditions and thus supports the socio-cultural integration of children from different cultures.
Lída Holá has authored and co-authored numerous textbooks and other educational materials for teaching Czech as a foreign language. She founded and manages the Czech Step by Step (Česky krok za krokem), Czech Express (Čeština expres) and Czech Adapted Prose (Česká adaptovaná próza) editions. The book Mum, Dad, What's Halloween? is her first publication for children.
Lucie Martišková is a Czech illustrator and artist. She has illustrated several books for children and adults. She holds several solo shows of her artwork every year. She is active in the Lumart art studio –